Alan doing a live broadcast |
country, memories and more!" Celebrating
2 years of broadcasting as of July 27, 2017 Listener supported locally programmed radio.
Please donate
via PayPal at alanmccal@hotmail.com to help support our broadcast. Thank you!
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Upgrades during the week of July 29
Next week, we are having an Internet and phone service upgrade!! We are upgrading to a faster, business-class Internet package, which is set to be installed on Friday, August 2.
In anticipation of this, I will likely be off the air during my regular slot next week as we move some lines around and prepare
to improve our own services. This week is the anniversary of our format flip to country,
which took place on July 27, 2003. We would like to thank those of you who
have contributed either through financial gifts, products, services, music, records, radio equipment, or the occasional sack
of groceries. Contrary to popular belief, the life of a radio geek is not glamerous. There are often long, lonely hours spent
trying to give you a product that we truly believe in, and believe it to be as good, or better, than what you are hearing
on your own local station. I was created for this, though! I love doing it. Engineering
payment has been made, and I am praying for a positive future in Big D Country's efforts to get on the air via LPFM.
7:19 pm edt
Sunday, July 7, 2013
LPFM project update
When I first started blogging (on another site that I no
longer keep active) I was pretty good about writing on it almost every day. It helped that the former site allowed me to post
photos and had features I can't do from this particular blog. However, I do feel
like it is important to update this blog when there is something to say of interest to you. Today, I have an update regarding
the LPFM radio project. About two weeks ago I sent a package of materials to my consulting
engineer for review. Tomorrow I send in the payment for that service - a pretty strong move that says, in essence, "I
am committed to the LPFM station and want to see this completed." I was able to raise
about 3/4 of the funds, but paid the remainder out of pocket, because that FCC deadline is coming up in October. Also, a big shout of thanks to the fine folks at CDX Nashville for making their entire library of country
music available. I guess it is available, in whole or part, to all the CDX stations. But the timing on this was incredible.
About the time I wrote about needing to fill in the gaps in our music library, the CDX folks began working on that project.
I now have everything in the CDX library that I was lacking before. The station turns
12 years old on July 9. What a ride it's been so far.
8:45 pm edt
Email me: alanmccal@hotmail.com with requests, comments, questions or underwriting/sponsorship questions.
WDXD/Big D Country is owned and operated by Delta Star Radio
of Florida, Inc., 2625 Doll Place, Tallahassee, FL 32311. Phone (850) 877-4641. Delta Star Radio is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit
organization. (c)
Copyright 2010-2018 by Delta Star Radio of Florida, Inc.
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